Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan

Information on the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan

In January 2024, Batchworth Community Council formally submitted the Batchworth Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents to the District Council. Following the formal submission of the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan, Three Rivers District Council undertook the submission (Regulation 16) consultation between 23 July – 11 September 2024.

Three Rivers District Council, with the agreement of Batchworth Community Council, appointed Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI FRSA AoU as the Independent Examiner for the Plan. The examination started in November 2024. The Examiner’s role is to determine whether the Plan meets the Basic Conditions as set out in Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and whether the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum.

You can view the Documents that were submitted for examination below:

The Independent Examiner’s Report was issued on 6 January 2025. The Report recommended that the Plan, subject to a number of recommended modifications, should proceed to referendum. The Examiner's Report can be viewed below:

Independent Examiner’s Report (PDF)

The Decision Statement detailing the Council’s intention to send the Neighbourhood Plan to referendum can be downloaded below:

Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF)

Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

On 10 March 2025, the Policy and Resources Committee of Three Rivers District Council agreed for the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan to move to referendum. The referendum will take place on 1 May, to coincide with the County Council election. You will be able to vote on the Plan if you live in the community of Batchworth; if you are not sure, please do check the poll card you will receive which will state if you are able to vote in the referendum.

View the notice of referendum here.