Training to resolve complaints
A sub-Committee of the Standards Committee has taken action following three complaints...
A sub-Committee of the Standards Committee has taken action following three complaints from Conservative District Councillors about a comment made by Council Leader, Ann Shaw, at the Council meeting of 20 July.
The sub-Committee has decided that the 'unnecessary and offensive' language used by the Council Leader in relation to Conservative Councillor, Ralph Sangster, and complained of by the Conservative Councillors, does not warrant further investigation. However, the sub-Commitee has requested the Leader attend Councillors' conduct training to which she has agreed. Prior to the Committee meeting the Council Leader had made a personal apology to Cllr Sangster which he accepted.
The role of the Standards Committee is to ensure the highest standards of conduct by District and Parish Councillors. The Commitee recognised a breach of these standards in these complaints and is satisfied that the matter can be resolved through training.
The District Council's monitoring officer, Anne Morgan, said:
"The Standards Committee provides training to all new Councillors and provides periodic training and guidance to existing Councillors to ensure that the highest standards are upheld."
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