Major fair seeks to boost local volunteer numbers across the district

Updated: 23 November 2022

Make a difference to your local community by volunteering for a local organisation – that’s the message ahead of the first ever Three Rivers Volunteer Fair.

Make a difference to your local community by volunteering for a local organisation – that’s the message ahead of the first ever Three Rivers Volunteer Fair.

The event is being hosted by Three Rivers District Council and Watford & Three Rivers Trust and will feature a wide range of local organisations looking for volunteers to help out. Residents are being invited to come along and see what opportunities might interest them.

The fair offers the opportunity to talk to some of the many groups that support and make a difference within the local community. Anyone who has just a few hours to fill and would like to help others, or is looking for a new challenge, is invited to head to the fair where there will be lots of opportunities for them to make a difference.

Cllr Sarah Nelmes, the Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “Volunteering is hugely rewarding, both for the volunteer and to the communities they support. It provides an opportunity to be part of shaping our local communities for the better. No matter how much time you have spare, even if it is just a few hours a week, you can help make a massive difference in your community and to local residents’ lives."

Alex Murray, CVS Lead for W3RT, said “We would encourage anyone who has the free time to consider volunteering, especially in light of the cost of living crisis where local foodbanks, mental health charities and advice centres are at the forefront of the crisis and need all the support they can due to the rising demand. Additionally, volunteering is great for your meeting new people, your mental wellbeing and to help develop new skills."

The event is free and will take place on Saturday 3 December from 10am to 1pm at Rickmansworth Library.

For more information visit Watford & Three Rivers Trust w . If you would like to volunteer with a local organisation but cannot make the event visit Watford & Three Rivers volunteer Hub at