Residents’ survey enters final weeks – have your say today

Press ReleaseUpdated: 13 March 2025Your Council
Three Rivers House

Residents still have an opportunity to shape the future of council services across Three Rivers district as a major survey of local opinion enters its final weeks.

Three Rivers District Council launched its residents’ survey in October 2024 – and the results will help the council make informed decisions over the future of its services.

The annual residents’ survey gives people the opportunity to have their say on the services they receive from their district council. Views are being sought from all residents aged 16 and over and the survey will close on 31 March.

Alison Scott, the council’s Director of Finance, said: “We are getting close to the end of this year’s survey and it is a really important opportunity for you to have your say. If you feel strongly about how the council provides its services, and if you would like to see things done differently or have a comment to make, then I really do urge you to complete this survey and have your say today.”

Anyone who takes part in the survey online and indicated that they wish to be entered into the prize draw will also have a chance to win one of three £60 vouchers for Watersmeet in Rickmansworth.

The district council provides a variety of services ranging from benefits, community safety, planning and housing needs to leisure services, parks and green spaces, environmental health and waste and recycling collections.

If you would like more information on the survey contact or call 01923 776611.

To complete the survey, and for more information on the competition, follow this link: