New grant available to help local businesses improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings
Businesses will have a chance to improve their energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions thanks to a new scheme offering grants of up to £10,000.
This grant is only available for a limited time. Applicants will be accepted until 31 July or earlier if a sufficient number of applications have been received.
Three Rivers District Council has launched the new Business Energy Efficiency Grant with support from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to help organisations implement energy-saving measures that will improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
The grant aims to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) located in the district to reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions. This will be achieved through the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies to their buildings.
Grants of up to £10,000 are available for eligible SMEs to install eligible energy efficiency measures.
Emma Sheridan, the council’s Associate Director Customer & Community, said: “As part of the council’s work to support the achievement of net zero carbon emissions by 2045 for the district, we are committed to supporting local businesses to reduce their environmental impact.
“I would encourage eligible organisations in the district which are interested in this scheme to submit an Expression of Interest as soon as possible.”
The grants are designed to help improve the energy efficiency of business premises in the district. Eligible Energy Efficiency measures include cavity wall insulation, external solid wall insulation, internal solid wall insulation, solar PV, solar thermal, air source heat pump, ground source heat pumps, and wastewater Heat Recovery Systems.
Other energy efficiency measures that can measurably reduce carbon emissions individual to any organisations function, may be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval.
For more information and to apply for the Business Energy Efficiency Grant please visit the page here or email:
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