Our departments

Departments of Three Rivers District Council

In this section

Chief Executive and Directors

The council is managed by the Chief Executive, and services are overseen by the Director of Finance, the Associate Director for Corporate, Customer and Community, the Associate Director of Legal and Democratic and the Associate Director for Environment.

Chief Executive: Joanne Wagstaffe


Joanne Wagstaffe is the Chief Executive of Three Rivers District Council. She is the head of our paid service and has authority over all other officers to ensure the efficient management and execution of our functions.

The Chief Executive is the leader of the officers' Corporate Management Team and is our principal adviser on matters of general policy. She is responsible for coordinating advice on planning objectives and services and securing a corporate approach to council affairs generally.

Through her leadership of the officers' Corporate Management Team, the Chief Executive is responsible for efficiently and effectively implementing our policies and ensuring our resources are deployed most effectively.

Similarly, the Chief Executive continually reviews our organisation and administration and makes recommendations through the Policy and Resources Committee if major changes are needed to promote effective management.

The Chief Executive is also responsible for maintaining good internal and external relations with organisations, groups and individuals in the public and private sector.

The Director of Finance, the Associate Director for Corporate, Customer and Community, the Associate Director of Legal and Democratic and the Associate Director for Environment report directly to the Chief Executive.

Director of Finance

Alison Scott


Associate Director for Corporate, Customer and Community

Kimberley Grout


Associate Director of Legal and Democratic (Monitoring Officer)

Stephen Rix


Associate Director for Environment

Emma Sheridan
