Land and Property

Information on Local Land Charges, street naming and assets of community value

In this section

Street and building naming and numbering

We are responsible for assigning street names and numbers in Three Rivers District. You must inform us if you wish to change your address, including if you want to change the name of your house. We need buildings to be named and numbered clearly to avoid problems in locating you – for example, in the case of a police or ambulance emergency call-out.

You will need to pay the relevant fee(PDF) when naming or numbering a building or street. 

Add a new house name

If you own a numbered property, you must let us know if you wish to add a house name.

Add a house name

After we receive your form, we will check to make sure there is no other property in the vicinity with a similar name. We will notify interested statutory undertakers and internal departments, including Royal Mail, of any changes. It will be your responsibility to notify any further contacts. If your property has been assigned a number, this takes priority and Royal Mail will only record the house name as an alias. This means you will still need to include your house number in your postal address.

Change or remove your house name

If you own a named house (including properties that are primarily numbered), you must let us know if you wish to change or remove the name.

Change or remove a house name

Information for developers

If you are a developer, contact us as soon as you commence work on a site. New properties will be included in the existing numbering scheme where possible.

For larger developments or where new streets are to be named, names of local or historic significance are preferred. If you have difficulty suggesting relevant road names, you can liaise with the relevant parish or community council, or liaise with us direct. For the Moor Park area you can contact Moor Park 1958 for suggestions. Please note that any proposed road names are sent for consultation with Royal Mail and to other interested parties for information, so may not be approved

After we receive your street name suggestions, we will consult with interested parties, including Royal Mail. Once a name is agreed, we will register the street name and prepare a numbering schedule. We will then send this information to Royal Mail, public utility companies, the emergency services, Land Registry and relevant council services. Royal Mail will then allocate a postal code.

You will be sent a copy of the naming and numbering schedule and will need to inform prospective purchasers of the new property address. You will also need to provide new street name plates that conform to our standard design. This can be obtained from the council’s Environmental Protection Team.

Street renaming/renumbering

On rare occasions, we need to rename or renumber a street. Typically, this is only necessary when:

  • there is confusion over a street's name and/or numbering
  • a group of residents are unhappy with their street name

Postal numbering

Roads that primarily have house names rather than numbers will only be considered for official numbering schemes on submission of a formal proposition endorsed by the majority of residents. If a named-only house is within a primarily numbered road, a postal number can be allocated. Named only houses will not be allowed for new properties in a numbered road unless no other option is practical.

Street nameplates

To report a damaged or missing street nameplate please visit our street nameplates and street lights page.