Hire a park or open space

Hire a park or open space and locate sporting facilities in Three Rivers district

In this section

Hire a park or open space

If you wish to hire an area for an event in a park, recreation ground or public open space, you must apply at least four weeks in advance of the event.

How to apply

Please complete our online application form by following the link below.

If you are a personal trainer, fitness instructor or sports club, you can apply to hire an outdoor area on a recurring basis to hold regular classes. Please email leisure@threerivers.gov.uk to request a weekly hire of grounds form.

Hire of a park, recreation ground or open space application form

Watford and Three Rivers Safety Advisory Group

The Safety Advisory Group is there to look at any events happening in the Watford and Three Rivers areas, and provide advice and guidance to enable those responsible for organising events to run them safely and successfully.

Find out more.