World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Three Rivers District Council is marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 June 2020.
Three Rivers District Council is marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 June 2020.
It is an official United Nations International Day acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue.
The Council is honouring this day by raising the visibility of elder abuse by sharing information and promoting resources and services that can help increase seniors’ safety and well-being.
Around one million people over the age of 65 are victims of abuse every year within the UK. It is believed this form of abuse is largely under-reported, especially through the pandemic.
Hourglass, previously known as Action on Elder Abuse, has 30 years of experience in supporting older people and their families experiencing the following forms of abuse; physical, psychological, financial, sexual, or neglect.
They have a free helpline for anyone with concerns about themselves or an older person. They are currently open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday on 0808 808 8141. Older people are then supported through recovery with a local and trained volunteer to provide the following:
- Friendship and emotional support
- Help to develop confidence and build resilience
- Support to gain or regain independence
- Taking part in social activities
- Develop a support network
Three Rivers District Council have been funding Herts Mind Network (and previously Victim Support) to provide a domestic abuse service to support victims of intra-familial as well as relationship or ex-partner abuse. Intra-familial abuse is increasingly recognised as domestic abuse.
Support is available for those who experiencing abuse from their children/family or younger members of their household. To speak to someone from this service call 01923 727141. With the support of other Community Safety Partnership agencies, the Council has increased the funding to the service to support a larger number of victims as well as provide the only perpetrator support service in Hertfordshire other than that provided by probation services.
Andy Stovold, Head of Community Partnerships, said: "We are firmly committed to tackling all forms of Domestic Abuse and safeguarding all children, young people, and adults at risk."
Cllr Sara Bedford, Leader of the Council, added: “Whilst many honour and respect their older relatives and friends, too often our senior citizens are subject to physical or mental abuse. I want to promote the dignity and respect of older adults and continue to raise public awareness of elder abuse.
“Should you have concerns for yourself or someone you know, please call one of the services listed above, or report to police via 101. In an emergency always call 999.”
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