Explore council's improved website with the leader

NewsUpdated: 2 October 2023Online Services

An improved website has been designed to improve accessibility to Three Rivers District Council’s information, services and other content.

Earlier this year, the council launched the revamped site with many improvements compared to the old version, including a new search system, a more visually appealing design and interactive maps.

The features of the new website are just some of the ways the council is being digitally inclusive and is delivering high-quality customer service to the district’s residents, communities and businesses. Throughout the week, the council will be highlighting other examples of excellent services as part of the National Customer Service Week.

Residents and businesses can use the interactive maps to find out which ward and parish area their household and businesses sit in as well as see who represents them on the district and county council along with their contact information. As well as this, they can see how often grassland is mowed and managed within the district.

Another key feature of the new site is the ‘Recite Me’ accessibility tool, located at the top right of the website. This tool can do a plethora of things that make it easier for residents who may have a disability or speak another language to access the services they need.

Features included in the ‘Recite Me’ accessibility tool include:

· Changing the website’s text to another language

· Customising the font, font size and colour

· Reading text aloud

· Customise background colour

· Downloading an audio file

· Using a magnifying glass feature to magnify text the tool hovers over

· A new ruler and screen mask tool to focus on the area the customer wants to read

Three Rivers District Council Leader, Cllr Sarah Nelmes, spent time with Josh Sills, Head of Customer Experience, to see these new features on the new website in action firsthand.