Chair of Three Rivers District Council talks about chosen charities

NewsUpdated: 23 August 2023Community and living

Raising awareness of mental health and the importance of sustainability – those are the top priorities of the Chair of Three Rivers District Council, who is supporting two local charities during his year in office.

Cllr Phil Williams has chosen to support Sustainable Three Rivers (S3R) and Watford Football Club Community Sports and Education Trust (Watford FC CSE Trust) and is hoping to raise £3,000 or more for his chosen charities by hosting a variety of events for the municipal year.

Earlier this year, Cllr Williams, who represents the Chorleywood South and Maple Cross ward, took the reins as Chair and will serve a twelve-month term.

The Chair’s role is a-political, presiding over Full Council meetings and officially representing the council at public engagements.

Watford FC CSE Trust has supported and engaged with people and communities through sport and physical activity in Watford and Three Rivers for over 30 years. S3R is a non-profit group founded by local residents with the aim to help people make lifestyle changes to live sustainably and promote local community groups and projects linked to sustainability.

Cllr Williams said: “I am delighted to support Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust and Sustainable Three Rivers this year. These two charities do marvellous work for our district, and I want to support them as much as I can by raising funds and awareness of the vital schemes and work that they do.

“Throughout the municipal year, I will be hosting a variety of fun events, such as a quiz night, football golf and frisbee golf in partnership with Everyone Active, and we’re even exploring a stadium climb event at the Watford Football Club where we will go up and down every step at the stadium to raise funds for the two charities.”

“I hope the events will be well attended and well exceed my £3,000 target.”

“We are delighted at Sustainable Three Rivers that TRDC Chair Phil Williams has chosen us as one of his two selected charities,” said Rosi Jordon, Chair of S3R.

“Sustainability is vitally important in every area of our lives, so huge thanks to Cllr Williams for recognising this. We are very excited about the impact his support will have on our local community. We aim to help many more residents make positive changes to their lifestyles, in order to protect the planet.”

Steve Alexander, Watford FC CSE Trust’s head of business services, said: “We’re honoured to have been selected by the Chair of Three Rivers District Council, Cllr Phil Williams, as one of his chosen charities.

“Three Rivers District Council has been a valuable partner of ours for many years, and with several of our projects based in the area, particularly our many mental and physical health and wellbeing initiatives, his support of the Trust will feed back into his communities. We thank Cllr Williams and those that support him over the course of his term.”

PHOTO CAPTION: (From left) TRDC Community Engagement Officer, Jay Williams, the Chair, Cllr Phil Williams, and Watford FC CSE Trust's head of business services, Steve Alexander.