River Chess warning
As a result of the wet winter, the sewage treatment works at Chesham continues to discharge some settled sewage directly into the River Chess...
River Chess poor water quality warning
As a result of the wet winter, the sewage treatment works at Chesham continues to discharge some settled sewage directly into the River Chess. This is because groundwater levels within the catchment of the works remain at an all time high. Groundwater is infiltrating the foul sewers, diluting the sewage but placing an unmanageable burden upon the normal capacity of the works.
This means that the quality of the river water downstream from the Chesham Works is currently very poor. We advise the public to avoid contact with river water and to keep children and pets out of the river.
Discharges into water bodies are permitted and monitored by the Environment Agency. If you require more information , the Environment Agency can be contacted on 03708 506 506.
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