Residents still have time to have say on draft Local Plan with lower housing numbers

The clock is ticking for residents who have not yet had their say on potential sites allocated for future homes in Three Rivers.
Residents have until Sunday, 10 December, before midnight, to put their views forward on the council’s preferred Lower Growth Housing Option within the Local Plan, which proposes a new housing figure for the district of 4,852 until 2041 as opposed to the government’s target of 11,466.
A Local Plan guides decisions on future development proposals for thousands of new homes and associated infrastructure and employment to meet the district's future economic and population needs.
Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Deputy Council Leader and Lead Member for the Local Plan, said: “It has been great to explain the council’s Local Plan proposal for less than half the housing than the government’s target that protects 98% of our green belt at recent Areas Forums. I will be attending further forums across the district in the next month.
“The council’s proposals have been warmly received by residents and residents' associations, but we do need everyone to respond to our proposals, hopefully indicating their support, to ensure the voice of Three Rivers are heard loud and clear when the final plans are presented to the government."
Residents will be able to comment online via the council’s consultation page ‘have your say’, which can be viewed here:
The details can be examined in all parish council offices and public libraries. The council will be having a leaflet advertising the consultation delivered to every home over the next few weeks.
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