Have your say on council’s five-year play space strategy

Residents are invited to have their say on a five-year strategy that aims to keep Three Rivers a great place to play.
Three Rivers District Council has launched an online consultation on its play space strategy, which sets out where, what and how resources will be effectively allocated to ensure children, young people and families continue to have easy access to high-quality play areas.
The consultation, which runs until Friday 31 January 2025, aims to understand what people like or dislike about the council’s play spaces, what play equipment they use and don’t use and their thoughts on the draft strategy itself.
In addition to the survey, the Leisure Services team will be visiting primary schools across the district in January to get the views of local children.
Cllr Chris Lloyd, Lead Member for Leisure, said: “Children, young people and families should have easy access to high-quality play spaces within their local community.
“The council fully understands this and that is why it has invested heavily in our play areas over the years. We know having great places to play is crucial to our children’s development as well as their physical and mental health.
“Understanding what people think of our play areas and strategy is important for the council to keep Three Rivers a great place to play, so I urge everyone to have their say.”
The consultation can be found here.
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