Oxhey Jets score nearly one-million-pound funding from council

Nearly one-million-pounds to fund a brand-new artificial football pitch in South Oxhey has been approved by Three Rivers District councillors this week.
The Oxhey Jets Football Club, which has been providing football and social activities for the area since 1972, secured £966,000 to replace its existing grass football pitch in Altham Way with a sustainable full-size 3G football turf pitch after councillors gave the green light at a Full Council meeting on Tuesday, 10 December.
The funding will come from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) pot – a charge on developers. It will also fund new LED floodlighting, fencing, terracing, storage and equipment, and improvements to disabled entrances, the clubhouse and team changing rooms.
Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “We are strong supporters of the Oxhey Jets Football Club and the amazing work they do for our young people and the community. I am extremely pleased that we were able to provide a significant amount of funding from the CIL pot towards a state-of-the-art 3G pitch and clubhouse that will become a beacon for South Oxhey and have huge community benefits for the local area and beyond.”
Club founder and general manager, John Elliot BEM, said: “Having this funding is the biggest thing to happen to the club since the clubhouse was built a quarter of a century ago as it will help provide a sustainable future for the club and bring our teams back together at a single base.
“The funding also helps us unlock further grants from external organisations that will contribute to creating a valuable community asset for future generations.
“The old pitch has served us well for many years, but we have now outgrown its use as we look to update our facilities to cater for girls, ladies, disabled and walking football teams – allowing more people, no matter who they are, to join in and play this wonderful game. I thank the council for granting this funding and for the support provided.”
PHOTO CAPTION 1: Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst (centre), Leader of Three Rivers District Council, shaking hands with Oxhey Jets Football Club founder and manager John Elliot BEM next to the goal post at the football grounds in Altham Way with members of the football club
PHOTO CAPTION 2: Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst standing in the Tom Lake Memorial Stand at the Oxhey Jets Football Ground with founder John Elliot BEM and members of the football club
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