One year of Policing

Updated: 14 February 2012

Better access for the public, closer working with Three Rivers District Council and cost effectiveness were...


One year of Policing from the heart of Rickmansworth

Better access for the public, closer working with Three Rivers District Council
and cost effectiveness were the aims for the move into Three Rivers District Council offices, and a year on the move is being hailed a success.

Police moved into Three Rivers House in Northway, Rickmansworth on February 8, 2011. The move saw police officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) from Three Rivers Safer Neighbourhoods team and detectives and staff from the Local Crime unit locate to the offices.

Chief Inspector for Three Rivers, Catherine Akehurst, said:

“We’re at the heart of Rickmansworth, which is better for the public, and sharing services with the Council has meant that we were able to increase opening hours compared to when the station on Rectory Road was open.

“The move has also enabled the Constabulary to make savings, which is particularly important during these austere times. This change is proving beneficial, not only through the cost savings, but through further strengthening our partnership with Three Rivers District Council.

“We’ve got a great policing team working in Three Rivers who are all contributing to reducing crime further and ensuring our communities feel safe and supported. I am proud to have inherited such a strong team, and partnership with the council, since starting in December and it is clear that working in close proximity really strengthens this.”

Members of the public will still be able to visit officers and report crimes in person at the front desk of Three Rivers House between 9.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9.30am to 5pm on Friday.

Three Rivers District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Councillor Roger Seabourne, said:

“This is a common sense way of both improving the service to the community and reducing costs to the public purse at the same time.  Three Rivers is the safest district in Hertfordshire and I’m pleased to see that crime in Rickmansworth has fallen even further since the station moved.”