New support group for family and friend carers holds launch event at Oxhey Library

If you provide unpaid care to someone close to you who is elderly, disabled, or has a physical or mental illness and you’re in the South Oxhey area, you may be interested in a new support group that starts in January.
An unpaid carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. This can be anything from providing care for a few hours each week to 24 hours seven days a week.
To celebrate the launch, a festive event will be held at Oxhey Library on 12 December, 1pm – 2.30pm. Family and friend carers are invited to attend to learn more about the group, enjoy some festive cheer, and meet other carers in the community.
The group will offer a welcoming space for family and friend carers to connect, share experiences, and receive support. The first meeting will be at Oxhey Library, South Oxhey, on Thursday 9 January 2025, 1pm – 2.30pm. Subsequent meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at the same time.
This initiative is a partnership between Three Rivers District Council’s Healthy Hub scheme and Carers in Hertfordshire, a charity that provides free services such as information, advice, workshops, and support to unpaid carers of all ages in Hertfordshire.
Cllr Andrew Scarth, Lead Member for Community Safety and Partnerships, said: "We're thrilled to introduce the South Oxhey group, offering carers a dedicated space to connect, share their experiences, and access essential resources and support. We warmly invite those with caring responsibilities to join us for our festive event and future meetings starting in January. Don’t forget to get in touch and reserve your spot for any session!"
Carers interested in attending the launch event or any of the monthly meetings are asked to book their place. Carers in Herts also run a group in Chorleywood.
For more information or to book your place, please contact Carers in Hertfordshire, email or call 01992 58 69 69. You can also book on online via
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