National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2024: Find out more about Hate Crimes

Press ReleaseUpdated: 11 October 2024Community and living
Three people standing next to each other in front of a police car. The person in the middle has a bag with "Don't ignore hate. Report it." printed on it. From left to right: Councillor Raj Khiroya, Chair of Three Rivers District Council; PC Danielle Murphy, Hate Crime Officer at Hertfordshire Constabulary; Jay Willliams, Community Liaison Officer at Three Rivers District Council

A series of videos have been produced by Three Rivers District Council highlighting what a hate crime is and how it can affect different communities.

Hate Crime Awareness Week (12 October to 19 October) is a national campaign to stand against hate crime and educate the public what they can do if they witness or experience a hate crime. The council has developed the following videos to inform residents about hate crimes.

The first video breaks down the types of hate crimes whereas the second and third video explains how victims of a hate crime are affected mentally and physically.

Video 1: What is Hate Crime?

Video 2:  Hate Crime and  Mental Health

Video 3: Hate Crime and Physical Health

Victims of hate crimes or witnesses of hate crimes can report them to the police directly via 999 in an emergency, or 101 and online in a non-emergency at There may be those in the community who are unsure where to report their concerns or may not feel comfortable going directly to the police as their first point of call.

During Hate Crime Awareness Week, the council are launching a poster campaign that will be distributed across the district. The posters will be focussing on, Race, Faith/Religion, Anti-Semitism, LBGTQ+, Transgender, Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Communities, and Disability. The aim of the posters is to spread awareness of hate crime and convey that hate crimes are not tolerated in Three Rivers. The campaign will provide data on hate crimes and incidents whilst encouraging residents to report and tackle hate crimes affecting our community.

Third Party Reporting Centres provide a confidential setting where individuals can disclose their experiences without fear of judgment or retaliation. Centre staff can provide information, and guidance to victims, helping them understand their rights and options in reporting. Another way to report a hate crime is through visiting True Vision’s independent reporting website.

You can also access more information about hate crime on our website.