New schemes launched to help Three Rivers businesses be more sustainable
Small businesses to get green grants up to £7,000 through council-run programme.
Two new schemes which will support Three Rivers businesses to become greener and more sustainable are being launched by Three Rivers District Council.
In two complementary schemes business owners can apply for grants and practical guidance, which will help them become more environmentally friendly and be able to manage the challenges that they face.
The new Green Business Grants scheme is being run in partnership with, the business specialist Smarter Society – which has also worked with the London Borough of Hounslow and Kent County Council. The grants will help businesses develop more sustainable working practices, reduce waste and material usage and reduce carbon emissions and energy use.
And the Three Rivers Sustainable Business programme is being offered in partnership with sustainability experts Sustainable X. The programme provides practical guidance and business-focused information to help businesses lower their carbon use and build sustainable practices into their daily activities through face-to-face or virtual workshops and one-to-one support. This structured programme starts by measuring the carbon footprint and current practices of each business. Participants will then have access to a range of resources, plus one-to-one support from programme leaders Sustainable X. Every participant will identify actions to take and create achievable, long-term plans that are unique for their business.
Cllr Sarah Nelmes, the Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “These new schemes offer funding and mentoring to help local businesses operate more sustainably. Whether it helps someone learn new skills, a business purchase new waste management equipment to improve recycling or install a ground source heat pump – these grants, advice and support can and will make a real difference. If you think this could help your business, apply today.”
Rondi Allan, Director at Sustainable X, said: “As well as helping tackle climate change, sustainable businesses have a competitive edge. Through this Three Rivers District Council initiative, local businesses are going to learn how to reduce costs through energy and waste savings and even drive productivity by increasing efficiency.”
Geoff Baxter of Smarter Society said: “Under this new scheme local businesses in Three Rivers will be able to gain funding to make important changes to the way they work. It will mean they can really get ahead with making their activities more sustainable, such as by reducing waste, their energy use and their carbon footprint.”
For more information on the Green Business Grant Scheme visit: or email
For more information on the Three Rivers Sustainable Business Programme workshops: or email
Council spokesperson
Cllr Sarah Nelmes – Leader of Three Rivers District Council
Group spokespeople
Cllr Alex Hayward – Leader of the Conservative Group
Cllr Stephen Cox – Leader of the Labour Group
Cllr Alex Michaels – Independent Councillors Group Joint Leader
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