New leader announces project to improve Rickmansworth High Street

Press ReleaseUpdated: 10 July 2024Business

A new project is set to be launched to look at improving Rickmansworth’s High Street – the town’s key retail area.

Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, the Leader of Three Rivers District Council, is spearheading the project to consider what improvements could be introduced to the Hertfordshire town’s central shopping street, and how best to achieve them.

Cllr Giles-Medhurst has said he will be establishing and leading a working group with key council officers to both look at potential improvements, and bidding for additional funding.

He said: “The High Street is the vital lifeblood of Rickmansworth, as a shopping centre, a place of business and as a location for people to meet and socialise. Over recent years it has been a difficult time for town centres across the country, with the multiple challenges of the pandemic, rising inflation and the ongoing rise of online shopping. But it doesn’t have to always be bad news for high streets, there are success stories and I am determined that Rickmansworth will be one of them.

“I want to see a thriving, dynamic town centre which attracts residents, visitors and new businesses alike. I am dedicated to making this happen – and I will be looking to work with local partner organisations, such as Hertfordshire County Council and Batchworth Community Council, and with local councillors to make this a reality.”

The council is currently updating the Conservation Area Appraisals for Rickmansworth.

The working group looking at the future of the High Street will begin its work in the coming months.