Help make the Herts Big Weekend a big success

Updated: 28 November 2016

The 2nd Herts Big Weekend will take place on 1 and 2 April 2017 in partnership with English Tourism Week, and Visit Herts are once again calling on the county's tourist attractions, venues and destinations to get involved...

The 2nd Herts Big Weekend will take place on 1 and 2 April 2017 in partnership with English Tourism Week, and Visit Herts are once again calling on the county's tourist attractions, venues and destinations to get involved.

The Big Weekend is all about giving Hertfordshire residents the chance to discover – or rediscover – the array of fantastic things to see and do on their doorstep, and encouraging them to spread the word about their county. The first ever Herts Big Weekend launched in 2016, with 49 attractions and businesses giving away over 2,000 FREE tickets to local residents. The event was extremely well received with more than 13,000 applications for tickets and very positive media coverage.

For 2017, Visit Herts have brought the submissions process fully online to make it easier for attractions to add tickets and amend information. Visit Herts need your help to encourage even more attractions and businesses in your area to take part, so please share this opportunity with your network of tourism businesses, asking them to register  by Wednesday 22 December. To find out more, visit  and

Instructions and FAQ's

herts-big-weekend-admin-instructions.pdf (pdf)

2017-herts-big-weekend-faq-01.pdf (pdf)


This year, Visit Herts have updated the way in which you can submit your attraction details and tickets offers to Visit Herts by bringing the process fully online. This means you can upload your events directly to the Big Weekend website, and amend them when needed. A user guide for the new Big Weekend CMS is attached and is available online.

Register your attraction  (A confirmation email will be sent to you after registering)
Log in to your account and upload ticket offers  (once registered)


  • You will need to create your own log in for the CMS, which will allow you to access your entries as often as you like - check spam or junk folders for your registration confirmation email!
  • If your business took part in Big Weekend last year, your attraction information should be saved on the system. Following the instructions on screen, please ‘associate’ your businesses with your account, and check all the information is correct.
  • All tickets should be valid for two adults, unless they are a family ticket or it is for an individual place on a workshop/course etc.
  • Please sign up and add your attraction details and ticket offers to the website no later than Wednesday 22 December 2016. It is very important that you upload your offers by this deadline so the full website can be tested
  • Please note that the front end of the Big Weekend consumer website is still under construction. Visit Herts will contact you early January when it is ready so you can preview your attraction pages and make amends if needed.

The public ballot will open early February

Family Holiday Association

This year, Visit Herts are once again working with the Family Holiday Association (FHA)  to support struggling families through the Big Weekend. If you are happy to offer additional tickets to the FHA in 2017, please full out the relevant section online. The FHA will manage all of their ticket allocations this year.