Sustainability in the spotlight at district’s first Generation Three Rivers Careers Fair

As the UK transitions to a net-zero future, local residents are invited to connect with the employers making headways in the green sector at Three Rivers District Council’s first ever sustainability themed careers fair, in partnership with Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and HOP.
Set to take place at Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth on Wednesday 27 March, the careers fair will enable students and job seekers to connect with employers committed to sustainability; learn about potential roles, work placements, apprenticeships and training opportunities; and network with industry professionals.
Attendees will discover the exciting ‘fit for the future’ career pathways offered by exhibitors spanning a range of sectors including renewable energy, retrofit and construction, green technology, engineering, sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and more.
Cllr Jon Tankard, Lead Member for Environmental Services, Climate Change and Sustainability, said: "We're thrilled to host this Sustainability Careers Fair for the first time in Three Rivers. The green economy is rapidly growing yearly in the UK and across the world, creating new forward-thinking technologies and thousands of new jobs.
“The event offers local people a unique opportunity to explore and engage with this exciting sector and underscores our commitment to a sustainable and prosperous future. We encourage anyone living or working in Three Rivers interested in pursuing a career in sustainability or transitioning into the field, to come along and find out more."
Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chairman of Hertfordshire LEP, said: “Since the launch of our ‘Generation’ careers fair series in 2020, we have enabled over 8,300 young people, parents and residents in Hertfordshire to learn about the fantastic job opportunities available on their doorstep. These events offer employers a vital platform to connect with the next generation of talent and build a local recruitment pipeline, helping to support their sustainability goals.
“The ‘green’ theme championed at Generation Three Rivers is a key area of focus for the LEP and coincides with our work to accelerate Hertfordshire’s retrofit skills capability. This sector is experiencing rapid growth, bringing with it exciting new career pathways, job prospects and business opportunities, and events like this are key to ensuring our residents are poised to reap the benefits.”
The event will welcome Year 12 and Year 13 students from ten local schools and colleges during the day. From 3:15pm to 5pm, the event will be open to students of all ages and their parents, as well as the wider public.
Visit HOP to learn more and register for this free event:
Booking is preferred but not essential.
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