Flag proudly raised over Three Rivers House to show support for UK Armed Forces

Press ReleaseUpdated: 22 June 2023Community and living
(Left) Council leader Cllr Sarah Nelmes, Vice-Chair Cllr Raj  Khiroya, Lt Commander Harriet Clews RNR from HMS Wildfire, and Liz Burns from Veterans Support Group in Abbots Langley holding the Armed Forces Flag

Three Rivers District Council commemorates the British Armed Forces by raising the Armed Forces flag at Three Rivers House in Rickmansworth.

This Saturday (24 June) is Armed Forces Day, and the council has marked the celebration on Thursday (22 June) with a flag raising ceremony over its headquarters to show public support and appreciation for the contributions made by servicemen and women past and present.

The annual event is a chance for the public to show their support to the Armed Forces community including current service personnel, veterans, cadets and service families. Showing support for the Armed Forces is designed to provide a much-valued morale boost for the troops and their families.

Cllr Raj Khiroya, vice-chair of the council, was joined by Three Rivers District Council Leader Sarah Nelmes, Lt Commander Harriet Clews RNR from HMS Wildfire – based at Northwood - and Liz Burns from the Veterans Support Group in Abbots Langley.

Cllr Khiroya said: “It was an honour and a privilege to mark Armed Forces Day with the Council Leader and Armed Forces representatives to acknowledge the debt we all owe our servicemen and women and to our veterans.

“We should all be incredibly proud of the bravery these men and women show and we here at Three Rivers District Council thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their service.”

Although Armed Forces Day is not a charitable event, the Armed Forces have the support of several UK charities and many local events will offer opportunities to support them. To find out more about Armed Forces charities, please see https://www.gov.uk/donations-to-support-members-of-the-armed-forces.

More information about Armed Forces Day can be seen here.

CAPTION: (From left) Three Rivers District Council Leader Cllr Sarah Nelmes, the Vice-Chair of the Council Cllr Raj Khiroya, Liz Burns from the Veterans Support Group in Abbots Langley, and Lt Commander Harriet Clews RNR from HMS Wildfire.