Decision to list The Pavilion as community asset upheld

NewsUpdated: 6 June 2024Community and living

A tribunal judge has upheld Three Rivers District Council’s decision to list an historic golf club pavilion in South Oxhey as an asset of community value (ACV)

Last month, Judge Joseph Neville agreed with the council’s decision to list the vacant L-shaped two-story building in Green Lane, which was built in 1930 and was used as a golf club pavilion and later a pub before closing in 2018, as an ACV under the Localism Act 2011.

Being listed as an ACV means that if The Pavilion is put up for sale, community groups have a six-month window to express an interest in purchasing the building and accumulating the funds to buy it.

This was appealed at the tribunal by the appellant but was dismissed by Judge Neville, concluding that The Pavilion was ‘validly nominated’ and the review decision was ‘right’.

PHOTO CAPTION 1: The Pavilion in South Oxhey