Police highlight efforts to tackle crime at extraordinary parish liaison meeting

An extraordinary parish liaison meeting took place at Three Rivers House, the district council’s head office in Rickmansworth, on Wednesday 11 December.
Chief Inspector Andrew Palfreyman outlined to Three Rivers District Council Leader, Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, officers and parish and community council representatives how the police are dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour, including thefts, vandalism and speeding.
Representatives of the parishes welcomed that their concerns were heard by the district council and police and appreciated that Three Rivers is a low crime area. The parishes also welcomed the nine CCTV cameras, which were paid for by the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy fund.
The parish liaison meetings are an opportunity for parish and community councils to discuss and raise concerns on matters directly to the district council leader.
More information can be found here: https://www.threerivers.gov.uk/news/council-leader-parish-liaison-meeting
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