Council receives White Ribbon Accreditation

Press ReleaseUpdated: 3 October 2023Crime and safety

Three Rivers District Council has made a public stand to end all men’s violence against women by becoming White Ribbon Accredited.

Ahead of White Ribbon Day in November, the council has aligned itself with White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women.

As a White Ribbon Accredited organisation, the council will deliver a comprehensive multi-year plan to transform staff culture, systems, and the wider community in which it operates. This strategy will help eliminate attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence against women. 

A number of staff across the council have already become White Ribbon ambassadors, working to promote a culture of equality and respect.

The council will also be supporting the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, which kicks off on White Ribbon Day 25 November.

Cllr Sarah Nelmes, the Council Leader, said: “This is a great moment for this council and for our district as a whole. Today, we should be living in a world in which violence against women has already been eliminated. And yet we do not. Having White Ribbon Accreditation means that Three Rivers District Council stands alongside fellow local authorities in the ongoing mission to make this world a place in which every woman and girl is treated with respect and dignity. That is the task to which we as a council are committed, and all of us who have a vision of the world we want to see for our children and future generations.”

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK said, “White Ribbon Accredited Organisations can make a real difference towards ending violence against women by promoting a culture of respect and equality among their staff and wider communities. By raising awareness among employees, people can learn how to become allies and call out violent and abusive behaviour when they see it. We are delighted to welcome Three Rivers District Council as one of our White Ribbon Accredited Organisations and are looking forward to working with them towards ending violence against women once and for all”.