Hertfordshire agrees extra £2 million to help people who are told to self-isolate

Updated: 29 January 2021

More than 4,000 residents across Hertfordshire will now be able to claim for the discretionary £500 self-isolation payments after a £2million investment was agreed.

Eligible residents in Three Rivers will be able to access the new scheme which works alongside the local Test and Trace programme.

Residents who test positive for Covid-19 and are contacted by the local authorities, will be offered the £500 self-isolation payment if they are earning less than £500 per week after tax and National Insurance contributions, on condition that they strictly follow the law and self-isolate, and meet other criteria.

Applications can be made via the council website at www.threerivers.gov.uk  from Monday (1 February).

The funding was agreed by a group of public sector partners across public health, NHS, police and environmental health officers. This extra money was approved by the Health Protection Board after the county’s 10 district and borough councils had already distributed the previous grants from central government.

Cllr Sarah Nelmes, Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “It’s essential that residents who test positive for Covid-19 and are told to self-isolate follow the rules to help reduce the spread of infection in Three Rivers.

“But I know that for many people in our community who are on low incomes and have families to support, this is extremely challenging. I’m therefore pleased we can offer some financial support to people who have been asked to self-isolate and I’d encourage residents who think they might be eligible to apply.”

Anyone who is self-isolating and needs support, whether it be with collecting essential food or medication, or with debt concerns, can visit www.hertshelp.net , email info@hertshelp.net  or call HertsHelp on 0300 123 4044.