New parking scheme requests

Request parking restrictions to make it easier for local residents, businesses and their visitors to park.

In this section

New parking scheme requests

You can request parking restrictions (such as Permit Parking, other kinds of bays or yellow lines) to make it easier for local residents, businesses and their visitors to park.

Please write to the District Council (either by email to or by post, addressed to 'Transport & Parking Policy') to explain the problem and the type of restrictions that you feel are needed. You will need to provide your name and address to validate your request.

The District Council has a specific role in creating Permit Parking Zones and associated measures. It does not introduce restrictions that are intended to address road safety or to improve traffic flow, for which you should contact the Local Highway Authority, Hertfordshire County Council (see below).

You can find more details of how permit parking works in Three Rivers District at Permit Parking Measures - Frequent Questions.

Requests for new parking control schemes are prioritised and addressed through the ongoing Parking Management work programme. This programme is set and overseen by the General Public Services, Community Safety & Infrastructure Committee.

New parking control schemes can only be progressed following public consultation. Most schemes are developed through several stages of consultation with people at local addresses, important stakeholders such as the Police, Parish Councils, Residents Associations and Hertfordshire County Council. Please follow this link to find out about current public consultations on parking schemes.