Full Council - 23 October 2018

23 October 2018
Full Council - Summons and Reports

You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on Tuesday 23 October 2018 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the under mentioned business:-




To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 17 July 2018 (pages 1 to 23).



To receive the recommendations from the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 4 September 2018 and the Extra-ordinary meeting held on 22 October 2018:


The Committee considered the draft Calendar of meetings for the Local Government Year 2019/2020.

A request had been made to change the date of the October 2019 Leisure, Environment and Community Committee as the current date was scheduled on a religious festival. Members agreed to recommend a new date of Wednesday 16 October 2019.

Officers were considering sending the meeting appointments electronically. It was noted that Members could then forward the appointments to any other electronic calendars they used.

With regard to the meetings scheduled for August 2019, this was to enable to hold six Service Committee meetings during the year. The school holiday dates had been obtained from the Education Authority.

Councillor Roger Seabourne proposed, duly seconded, an amendment to the recommendation that the Calendar of meetings be extended to September 2020 to take into account the summer holidays.

For Local Area Forum meetings it was noted it was difficult for the Chairman of the Forum to run the meeting and take notes but it may be possible for the Vice Chairman to do this for distribution at the next meeting.

In response to a question on the Aquadrome Forum meeting dates, these were not public meetings but the dates would be circulated to the Councillors.


That subject to the amendment to the October Leisure, Environment and Community Committee meeting the Council Calendar of meetings for 2019/20 be recommended to Council.


  • (updated)


The Director of Finance advised that all the Hertfordshire Authorities needed to all agree to be included in the pilot although it may still be possible to put forward a request to the Government if one of the Councils pulled out. Having unified bid was likely to be more successful although there was no guarantee.

Councillor Chris Lloyd moved, duly seconded, the recommendation that the Council be part of the Hertfordshire bid subject to ratification at full Council October.

On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chairman the voting being unanimous.


That the Committee approves that the Council be part of the Hertfordshire Bid, subject to Full Council ratification at its meeting in October.



The budget monitoring report is a key tool in scrutinising the Council’s financial performance.  It is designed to provide an overview to all relevant stakeholders. It is essential that the Council monitors its Council budgets throughout the year to ensure that it is meeting its strategic objectives and that corrective action is taken where necessary.

This report seeks to a change in the Committee’s 2018-2021 medium-term revenue financial plan. The report shows the Council’s overall consolidated medium term financial plan for both revenue and capital.

Councillor Matthew Bedford moved the recommendations, duly seconded.

A Member asked about the additional costs for the temporary housing accommodation in Rickmansworth. The Director of Community and Environmental Services advised that once all the contracts had been agreed a report would be coming to the Committee. There had been additional costs due to the:

Increased size of the temporary accommodation following the planning permission being granted. This was due to the size of the rooms increasing.

There had been increased costs with regard to the sewerage system on the site.

Demand for this type of units had increased which had consequently increased the cost of the units.

An unmarked sewerage adjacent to the site had required a change in the design

There were costs for the road closures and some loss of parking income while people were displaced. A Member asked why there was a parking income shortfall. The Director advised this was due to the delay implementing the parking enforcement and the TROs had taken longer to implement as they needed to go through HCC. There had also been a transition period of no enforcement which had reduced the income coming in but this had already been anticipated.

On being put to the Committee the motion was declared carried the voting being 8 For, 0 Against and 7 Abstentions.


1) That the following revenue and capital budget variations be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan:-

Variance 2018/19

£ 2019/20

£ 2020/21


Revenue - (Favourable)/ Unfavourable      216,950      286,990      46,050

Capital - Increase / (Decrease)      216,570      1,281,340      805,000

2) To award the financial advice call-off contract to Grant Thornton for up to five




That the modifications to the Croxley Green Neighbourhood Plan be made in accordance with the Examiner’s Report (Appendix 1) and that the modified Croxley Green Neighbourhood Plan (Appendices 2 & 3) proceed to referendum on 6 December 2018.



To outline proposals to recommend to Council to amend the Planning Committee’s remit and the Scheme of Delegation to enable the Local Planning Authority to determine requests for the removal of a public call box or public call services from a site in accordance with the requirements of the Communications Act 2003.



To agree a change in the Committee Membership for the Planning Committee

Councillor Marilyn Butler to replace Councillor Alex Hayward.


None received.


None received.




Question to the Leader of the Council (Cllr Sara Bedford) from Councillor Diana Barber

Due to time constraints at the July session of Full Council, (recognising the benefits of cycling, the reduction of pollution and traffic congestion) the motion to support 'exploration without commitment at this stage into a joint bike hire scheme' was passed.

Can the Leader now confirm that 'exploration without commitment ' means that there will be no financial cost to Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) for either this or the report to be brought to the I.E.H.D by the end of 2018?'


Reports from the Lead Member for Economic Development (Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst), Lead Member for Infrastructure and Planning Policy (Cllr Martin Trevett), Lead Member for Housing (Cllr Andrew Scarth).

Question to the Lead Member for Housing (Cllr Andrew Scarth) from Cllr Paula Hiscocks

The Bury homeless project has overrun its original budget due to the increased costs of the water course treatment and the enlarged and higher priced prefab units. Could you give this Council a total of the variance in costs and a breakdown according to each criterion?

Question to the Lead Member for Housing (Cllr Andrew Scarth) from Cllr Alex Hayward

With the development for the homeless at the Bury now started and the further ones agreed for Queens Drive and Bowring Green, can you please confirm how many homeless people could these developments optimally rehome and update the Members with the figures for those currently needing rehoming in Three Rivers?

Questions to the Lead Member for Economic Development (Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst) from Cllr Paula Hiscocks

The Liberal  Democrat led Council in Watford is now charging after 2 hours to use the public car park at Cassiobury Park which has been a recipient  of major public lottery funding. Could Ward Councillors and residents have assurances that this Liberal Democrat administration is not going to propose any charges for parking in the Aquadrome especially as Rickmansworth residents already pay a precept for this park?

Could we ask that the small loss of revenue incurred by the early closure of the lower level car park in Rickmansworth for the Christmas Fair is not charged to the town team who are already struggling to put this event on?

Question to the Lead Member for Economic Development (Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst) from Cllr Rupert Barnes

Why has the Council installed parking machines at the Aquadrome, in the Ferry Car Park and Shire Lane Car Park in Chorleywood, when expressing that there is no intention to activate them, and at what exact cost for each meter and its installation?"

Question to the Lead Member for Infrastructure Policy (Cllr Martin Trevett) from Cllr David Sansom

Will this Council agree to use its powers within the Local Plan to limit the number of Gambling Establishments within an area or street?


Reports from the Lead Member for Leisure (Cllr Chris Lloyd), Lead Member for Environmental Services (Cllr Alex Michaels), Lead Member for Community Safety and Partnerships (Cllr Roger Seabourne) and questions.

Question to the Lead Member for Environmental Services (Cllr Alex Michaels) from Cllr Heather Kenison

It is apparent from talking to residents in Three Rivers and observing receptacles placed outside properties on refuse collection day that many residents do not use the food pod. While some residents may compost vegetable waste, there are items of food waste such as meat and bones which cannot be placed in compost bins for fear of attracting vermin.  Therefore most homes will have items which should be placed in a food pod. Could the Lead Member provide figures regarding the usage of the food pod across the District?

Does this Council have any plans to introduce incentives for residents who do use the food pod? Conversely are there any indicators to penalise residents who fail to use the pod?

Question to the Lead Member for Environmental Services (Cllr Alex Michaels) from Cllr Alex Hayward

The Council recycling guide lists 6 options for paper. Plastic is just stated as ‘plastic’ but we know there are many varieties of plastic packaging. How is this Liberal Democrat Administration educating the residents and providing services to maximise the variety of plastic recycling?

Question to the Lead Member for Environmental Services (Cllr Alex Michaels) from Councillor Paula Hiscocks

As this Council now has responsibility and a budget for weeding our pavements and gutters, could the Lead Member tell us how often our pavements and roads have been sprayed since the start of this year?

Question to the Lead Member for Leisure (Cllr Chris Lloyd) from Councillor Joan King

The Ann Shaw Gardens Play Area near Filton House was opened in June. What has subsequently been done to modify the kerb near the site to allow unfettered wheelchair access?

Questions to the Lead Member for Leisure (Cllr Chris Lloyd) from Cllr David Sansom

The lift at William Penn has not been working for months, when will it be fixed?

The Government has strategies and targets for all physical activities to improve health, is there a government target for soft play?

Question to the Lead Member for Leisure (Cllr Chris Lloyd) from Cllr Alex Hayward

What is the purpose of this Council carrying out a public consultation on the leisure facilities when irrespective of the results this Liberal Democrat Administration overrides Officer recommendations and disregards the voices of the residents who have taken the time to complete these consultations?


Report from the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) and questions.

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Alison Wall

Why were there problems putting a petition online recently.  Surely this should be straightforward?

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Ralph Sangster

The Special Expenses charged to the Batchworth Community Council area includes a charge for cleaning the War Memorial in the grounds of Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin. Can the Lead Member provide the dates over the past four years when the Memorial was cleaned?

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Stephen King

Does this authority believe that the works being undertaken at Station Approach are “disabled friendly”?

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Stephen Cox

Can I have a copy of the lease granted to RSC in Oxhey Drive?

Questions to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Angela Killick

What plans does the Council have for drawing up a Property Management Strategy of the property it owns within Three Rivers, on the lines of that published by Dacorum?

What is the estimated net saving to the Council from ceasing the compilation, print and delivery of Three Rivers Times? Will the Council consider an augmented information sheet when it delivers the annual notification of bin collection arrangements at the turn of the year?

Questions to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr David Sansom

Will new Councillors have to sit an IT examination before they can stand for election?

Why paper agenda are not available for the public when we were told this is a legal requirement?

Why is the sound system in Penn Chamber so rubbish?

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Valerie Coltman

Are we keeping accurate records of recurrent IT problems and the loss of valuable Councillor contact time?

Has anyone created a graph depicting the most common problems?

Question to the Lead Member for Resources and Shared Services (Cllr Matthew Bedford) from Cllr Joanna Clemens

How much of TRDC's pension liability of £21.724 million (at 31 March 2018) is funded? How is it funded?



Report from and questions to the Chairman of the Audit Committee (Cllr Keith Martin).


Report from and questions to the Chairman of the Planning Committee (Cllr Sarah Nelmes).


Report from and questions to the Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Cllr Steve Drury).


Report from and questions to the Chairman of the Regulatory Services Committee (Cllr Steve Drury).

To receive the recommendation(s) from the Extraordinary Regulatory Services Committee meeting held on 15 October 2018:

Changes to Animal Licensing Legislation


That the Council agrees to make all the necessary amendments to the Constitution including in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers to provide

i) That the conditions of licensing are adopted and included in the Constitution.

ii) That the necessary changes are made to the Council’s Constitution to reflect the changes in the legislation.

iii) That the Terms of Reference of Service Committees are updated as appropriate.

iv) That where the constitution refers to Animal Control Enforcement Officer this to be changed to Animal Welfare and Licensing Inspector and all documents amended accordingly.

v) That Appeals from businesses disputing a star rating or a decision to vary, suspend or revoke a license will be made to the Director of Community and Environmental Services who will have delegated authority to determine such appeals in accordance with the Regulations and the Scheme of Delegation, which will be amended accordingly.

vi) and that the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to finalise all the necessary amendments in consultation with the Chairman and Spokespersons of the Committee



1.  Councillor Alex Michaels, seconded by Councillor Sara Bedford, to move under Notice duly given as follows:

Single Use Plastics

Council agrees that single use plastics should be eliminated as far as possible on Three Rivers Premises and we should do all possible to influence behaviours of those that we work with and the local community.

300 million tons of plastic is made each year, half of it is thrown away and can last hundreds of years in the ground and further damage the environment and wildlife.

Council resolves to:

  • Eliminate plastic cups from rooms and meetings (including at water coolers and vending machines) at Three Rivers House. Replace these with crockery/glass tumblers.
  • Actively encourage TRDC staff to use reusable cups/mugs when bringing in beverages from outside the premises.
  • Watersmeet to offer reusable cups for sale and a £0.25 discount when these are used for hot drinks.
  • Watersmeet to only provide straws on request and to use paper not plastic straws when existing stocks run out.
  • Watersmeet to replace all single use plastic glasses with reusable ones within the bar
  • Police, Rivertech and Batchworth Depot to be encouraged to follow our lead. TRDC to explore future ways of inserting clauses in contracts to ensure our future partners are aware of our expectations around responsible working solutions to single use plastics.
  • All these costs are to come from within existing budgets.

2. Councillor Alison Wall, seconded by Councillor Rupert Barnes, to move under Notice duly given as follows:

This Council is comprised of Councillors who are elected to best serve their residents.  Therefore when planning has been granted, subject to certain conditions, and those conditions are breached, we would request a change in Planning Protocol.  We would request that local Councillors are automatically contacted when a breach takes place outside the planning conditions, and before a possible decision to proceed to an Enforcement notice is taken.  How can we do our job without the tools (i.e. relevant information) to do it?

3.  Councillor Angela Killick, seconded by Councillor Alex Hayward, to move under Notice duly given as follows:

That this Council produce a paper setting out the estimated savings to be gained by moving to “All out elections” once every 4 years in respect of Three Rivers District Council, and that it also considers other possible concurrent elections.

4.  Councillor David Sansom, seconded by Councillor Alex Hayward, to move under Notice duly given as follows:

This Council notes that Councillors have been elected to take decisions for the benefit of local residents and that presently there are a growing number of areas where significant powers have been delegated.

This Council agrees that the decision making process and the decisions themselves should be open to public scrutiny. This can only be done by having public meetings with fully published agendas and public access. Accordingly working parties will no longer be used; all significant decisions will go to an appropriate public committee for deliberation and decision.

Chief Executive

15 October 2018