Hertfordshire Growth Board launches shared vision for sustainable future
Hertfordshire’s leaders have launched an ambitious vision for sustainable growth that will benefit residents, businesses and communities for future generations.
Made up of representatives from across Hertfordshire County Council, Hertfordshire LEP, the 10 district and borough councils – including Three Rivers District Council - the police and health, Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) works together to deliver a thriving and sustainable economy, environment and society across the county.
Over the past year, HGB leaders have come together around a shared purpose and set of countywide goals to help identify opportunities that will unlock and boost investment, take a more joined up approach to growth challenges and respond to wider societal pressures. These six goals, known as missions, were then developed further after the public fed back their views via a one-month survey which attracted 4,379 responses and garnered a majority of support.
This will enable Hertfordshire to collectively leverage its strengths and strong leadership across local government, business, health, police and education to secure future Government deals and attract private sector investment for the benefit of its people and places.
By working together, it can take a countywide approach to reducing carbon emissions, creating a vibrant and resilient economy, improving transport links and increasing quality sustainable housing provision, widening access to healthcare and education, and reducing crime and poverty to support its most vulnerable communities.
The shared vision and missions - launched at a meeting of the Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Development Board at Sopwell House, St Albans - will help guide and steer the focus of the Growth Board over the coming years.
Six core missions have also been identified to take forward this new vision. These are:
• World Class Economy: to enhance Hertfordshire’s reputation as a world-class economy by improving skills and job opportunities for residents, growing our key sectors and accelerating business investment into the county;
• Digital Access: for every Hertfordshire resident to have access to best-in-class connectivity, essential digital skills, and the device or support that they need to be online by 2030;
• Transport for Hertfordshire: to deliver a safe and integrated transport system which unlocks growth and enables communities and businesses to thrive;
• Right Homes, Right Places: to deliver the right homes, including increasing the provision of social/affordable and specialist homes, in the right locations and with associated infrastructure, to support the county’s socio-economic prosperity;
• Healthy and Safe Places for All: By 2040, Hertfordshire's residents and communities will benefit from neighbourhoods that are designed and regenerated with physical health, mental wellbeing, safety and social connectedness at the heart;
• Sustainable County: By 2050, Hertfordshire will be a prosperous, low carbon economy with a thriving natural environment, having maximised the benefits of sustainable growth for our residents and businesses, and achieved net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Cllr Richard Roberts, Leader, Hertfordshire County Council and Chair, Hertfordshire Growth Board, said: “The Vision and Missions represent a significant step change in how this county will work together to deliver good, sustainable growth. Hertfordshire's leaders across place, policing, health and the economy are united by a common purpose that will guide our future direction.
“We will continue to ensure Hertfordshire remains a world class economy where residents and businesses thrive, that we have the best in class digital connectivity in all parts of our county and that residents benefit from improved access and choice in passenger transport, quality sustainable homes and access to natural green spaces.”
Cllr Sarah Nelmes, Leader of Three Rivers District Council and member of Hertfordshire Growth Board, said: “This joined up county-wide approach is absolutely the right thing to do, and I am glad we took residents on this journey to ensure our Vision and Missions reflect the views of our residents.
“We all have our part to play in tackling the climate crisis – and that is why I am particularly pleased that we will continue to ensure Hertfordshire will be a sustainable county with a thriving, low-carbon economy whilst meeting the health and housing needs of local residents.”
To read the full Hertfordshire Vision and Missions Report and the findings of the Engagement Survey, please click here.
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