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A £250 grant from the District Council has meant new toys for Rickmansworth Toy Library. The service lends toys to children aged from birth to eight years.   26 March 2008
Democratic debate in Three Rivers may be soon hotting up as the District Council installs this week a ground source heat pump.  Buried beneath the gardens opposite Three Rivers House in Rickmansworth ...   19 March 2008
On Saturday 8 March, family and friends gathered to remember their loved ones at the first tree-planting ceremony in the woodland section of Woodcock Hill Cemetery ...   10 March 2008
Kind-hearted residents and businesses were recognised for their work in raising cash for the Royal British Legion last week, at the 2008 Poppy Appeal Awards.   3 March 2008
A new services directory has been produced by Three Rivers District Council, Hertfordshire County Council and the district's Parish Councils.  The publication is the first jointly branded A-Z in Hertfordshire ...   28 February 2008
On Saturday 23 February the Three Rivers community was officially awarded Fairtrade status by the Fairtrade Foundation.   26 February 2008
A new custom was upheld at a packed Full Council on Tuesday 19 February, as two Muslim residents led Members in prayer.   20 February 2008
Following its successful and popular household recycling services, the Council is this week launching a pilot recycling collection scheme for local businesses.   12 February 2008
British Crime Survey figures for Three Rivers show a 14.6% reduction in overall crime between 2006 and 2007.   11 February 2008
… the 8 tons of IT equipment which was collected at a recent recycling event, including over 400 PCs, monitors and printers.   30 January 2008
Residents can donate their old computers, mobile phones and other IT equipment to help vulnerable children.   20 December 2007
The Council is helping to foster good governance and respect for the rule of law in the developing world by sending law books to war torn countries   19 December 2007
Three Rivers District Council made history on Friday November 9, after becoming the only local authority in the country to receive two national Green Apple Awards for work on the same project.   21 November 2007
Good Neighbour Award winners were presented with their prizes of £100 of shopping vouchers at the annual tenants' conference   7 November 2007
Watford and Three Rivers leaders are celebrating 100 years of women Councillors   30 October 2007
West Herts Against Crime, which works closely with Hertfordshire Constabulary, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue and district councils, has provided security for 425 homes   23 August 2007
Three Rivers District Council tenants have voted in favour of transferring the ownership of council housing to Thrive Homes - a new Council backed housing association.   1 August 2007
The Government is demanding that local authorities provide extra sites for gypsies and travellers   26 July 2007
Mrs Rivers is clued up on safety   17 July 2007
The Withey Beds Local Nature Reserve provides a fantastic local walking area, now augmented by the addition of a brand new boardwalk to one part   4 July 2007